Connecting truths is more tricky than working with “bans of truth”. Truths that are already connected serve mere morality than spirituality.
The trouble is that some people think that it is simple to read and interpret scripture. Not at all. It is not for everyone to TEACH just because they want to be relevant for God John9:41.To teach is to connect truths. To fetch for spiritual relevance in a thing. Not just to select a moral code of conduct. Even without the bible, people can still attain good moral standards. Getting deep with God is another whole searching. The search with that whole heart, whole mind and whole strength. Anything less will not work. No need to try and fail. Either prepare and come right or stay out.
God says that the spiritual man “compares spiritual things with spiritual”.???It is not just about reading out scripture and giving the same conclusions all the time.In the natural life, things upgrade daily. Why? There is necessity for some other factors to be considered. If you use a device of the 1990s today for example, you would not be able to connect to anyone.Supernatural things evolve with the prevailing circumstances. That doesn’t mean that truth is diluted. It only means that God will still operate by love and that mercy will still have the possibility to apply despite the changes. ?Ongoing circumstances have to change the way we want to interpret life.

God forbids women to TEACH. This is because connection of truth requires the fatherhood mentality. To be fathered. Today people love lawlessness. And women are the most victims. The trend seem to be called a “rescue” to them. Nonetheless it is a spiritual pitfall. Many want a godly life and marriage but to get to it, they don’t want to read many biblical verses about marriage.

And many women being subject to this principle (just like the men) cannot handle it. That principle will not change because the world has anchored on a fake premise of equality. For indeed the word of God does not in anyway advocate submission in isolation. God’s family operate by service. The leader becoming the best servants. This isn’t how the world mentors men. If that man who leads is not submitted and in a state of sacrifice, such isn’t qualified to lead.
The bible orders all believers to preach (inviting sinners to REPENT which is heaven) but forbids the women from teaching (inviting other believers to the higher life with God).
To be fathered is to see God for who he is, love and want to reproduce the same works of God. To do this means you have to submit to his word. It is not for those that seek to be served.
So the issue about manipulation of truth is what makes anyone qualified to teach in God’s family.A deep resemblance to the ways of God which is the plans and purposes of God in Christ Jesus our lord. (Listen to this teaching on audio)May you seek to be fathered by God. To avoid all lawlessness and be available to build God’s family.
Br Charles PK Watcher